User administration

Compose Enterprise is going through a design update. The illustrations on this page might be of the old design, but the information is up to date. Thank you for your patience during this update!


To manage users in Compose, the Users menu is accessible from the left menu for administrators. In this menu, administrators will access a table showing the login credentials, role, status and type of all users of the Compose installation. In addition, they may give users access to different workspaces and change credentials, password etc. Users do not have access to the menu and will need assistance from an administrator if login credentials needs to be edited.

Create and delete users

To add a new user, click the Create User button in the top menu right above the table. A dialog box for entering information about a new user will appear. See the New User table below for more information regarding every property. All users added can also be deleted. Select the user in the list and press Delete User in the top menu. A warning pop-up will be displayed before the user is permanently removed.

New User

New User


A nice tag to indicate whether they are Local or External users.

Login name

The username. It must be unique and it is recommended to use email addresses as user names. This would enable you to get in contact with all registered users if necessary.


Select a preferred password. No system password requirements are present.

Confirm password

Type the password again to confirm.


The user can either be a User or Administrator. A user must be given access to workspaces (by checking the workspaces in the list) and cannot do changes outside their assigned workspaces. An administrator will have all rights and has access to add, delete and edit elements in all workspaces. Click Create when you are happy with credentials.

Edit user – Properties and Access

Select the user you wish to edit from the table, and a property panel with the current credentials is displayed on the right. Underneath is a list of the workspaces the user has access to.


Edit user – Properties and Access

Edit user – Properties and Access


Once you’ve chosen whether the user is Local or External, it cannot be changed.

Login name

You can change the user name but it must still be unique and it is recommended to use email addresses as user names. This would enable you to get in contact with all registered users if necessary.


The user role can be changed between User and Administrator. A user must be given access to workspaces (by checking the workspaces in the list) and cannot do changes outside their assigned workspaces. An administrator will have all rights and has access to add, delete and edit elements in all workspaces.


If you do not wish to delete a user that should no longer have access to Compose, you can set the user as inactive.

Change password

If checked you may change the password for the selected user. The new password needs to be entered twice and match to be able to save.

Remember to click the Save button after doing changes with a user setting. The Save button is located in the top right corner of the top menu.